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Why music is good for you. 


First discovered by Prussian physicist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove in 1839 (1), binaural beats are the effects created from listening to two different soundwaves delivered separately to the left and the right ear through earphones. A practical example would be playing a tone at a frequency of 100Hz to the right ear and another at 110Hz to the left ear. In the attempt to compensate this difference our brain creates a phantom wave whose frequency is the exact difference between the two sounds (in this example 10Hz). 

By using binaural beats we can induce our brain into a desired state on demand, consequently sending a message to our body to align accordingly. Brainwaves are divided into five categories: 

For example, imagine you are feeling rather stressed with the worries of life and it is time to go to sleep, but you are wide awake and your brain is working in over-drive. To help switch off, you can listen to a binaural beat track with theta or delta waves (or an entrainment between 0 and 7 Hz) to help slow down your mind and help induce you into sleep. 


Monaural beats are the most effective way to play healing frequencies through speakers. The main difference with binaural beats is the lack of stereo for the two soundwaves. In other words both speakers emit both right and left soundwaves at the same time. In some cases this might be the best alternative, for example if you are playing music to your children to get them to sleep. To make sure you can still enjoy our music, we have created all our tracks in monaural beats as well. 


At its simplest level, isochronic tones are single sounds that are being turned on and off rapidly. The effect is sharp, distinctive pulses of sound. They differ from binaural beats in that they use a single tone instead of two. The volume or intensity of the sound goes almost directly from 0 to 100 and back again in an evenly-spaced manner. This leaves a stronger impression on the brain, compared to binaural beats or other methods that use wave-like pulses 

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